Symptoms of Osteoporosis and 3 Good Tips for Prevention

Early osteoporosis does not carry any symptoms, but as the disease worsens person is more likely to experience pain. This may lower back pain and neck area. Then the pain could spread to other areas and may be worse if someone puts weight on that area. The second sign is that one can begin to get a small fracture and do not remember how they got such fractures.

The best way to detect this disease is to get a check. Not only can you catch this problem, but other problems that you may not be aware of. What do you think is the number one thing a person should do if they want to prevent osteoporosis? It really is to make sure a person get all the vitamins and minerals they need, including calcium. Vitamin D also plays an important role when it comes to bone health, as well as others such as vitamins C and K. To obtain even this nutrient a person really should consider a good multivitamin supplement.

The second thing a person can do is to reduce or eliminate soda. A study at Tufts University found that women who consumed diet soda or soda only 3 times a week have a lower bone density than women who consume soda occasionally. My dad actually used to make aluminum cans of soda and he said that they should spray coating on the inside can be expressed soda will eat through the aluminum. End of the third person could do would be to exercise. Because sports can be hard on bones, swimming can be a great choice for a person.

To sum it all leading to osteoporosis symptoms include pain in the lower back and neck. A person can also begin to break the experience and do not remember how they receive it. To prevent this disease one can take a multivitamin supplement, eliminating soda from their diet and exercise.