Nanda Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions for Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disease. Approximately 1 percent of the population develops schizophrenia during their lifetime – more than 2 million Americans suffer from the illness in a given year. Although schizophrenia affects men and women with equal frequency, the disorder often appears earlier in men, usually in the late teens or early twenties, than in women, who are generally affected in the twenties to early thirties. People with schizophrenia often suffer terrifying symptoms such as hearing internal voices not heard by others, or believing that other people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them. These symptoms may leave them fearful and withdrawn. Their speech and behavior can be so disorganized that they may be incomprehensible or frightening to others. Available treatments can relieve many symptoms, but most people with schizophrenia continue to suffer some symptoms throughout their lives; it has been estimated that no more than one in five individuals recovers completely.

This is a time of hope for people with schizophrenia and their families. Research is gradually leading to new and safer medications and unraveling the complex causes of the disease. Scientists are using many approaches from the study of molecular genetics to the study of populations to learn about schizophrenia. Methods of imaging the brain’s structure and function hold the promise of new insights into the disorder.

Nanda Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions for Schizophrenia

Nursing Diagnosis for Schizophrenia

1. Risk Behavior Violence Against Ourselves related to auditory hallucinations.

2. Impaired Sensory / Perception: Auditory Hallucinations related to pull away.

3. Social isolation: withdrawal related to chronic low self-esteem.

4. Health Maintenance Disorders associated with self-care deficit: bathing and the unadorned.

5. Ineffective Management of Therapeutic Programs related to the inability of families caring for clients at home.

Nursing Interventions for Schizophrenia

General Objectives

Clients can interact with other people so there is no hallucination

Specific Objectives:

1. Clients can build a trusting relationship

Expected Outcomes:
Friendly facial expressions, showing a sense of fun, eye contact, shake hands, say the name, answering greetings, sit side by side with a nurse, raised the issue at hand.

Nursing Interventions for Schizophrenia

Construct a trusting relationship by using the principles of therapeutic communication
a. Greet the client with the name of both verbal and nonverbal
b. Introduce yourself politely
c. Ask your full name and nickname are preferred clients
d. Explain the purpose of meeting
e. Honest and keep promises
f. Show empathy and accept what the client
g. Give attention to the clients and the basic needs of the client notice

2. Clients can mention the cause of withdrawal

Expected Outcomes:
Clients can mention the cause of withdrawal from:
· Self
· People of other
· Environment

Nursing Interventions for Schizophrenia:
· Assess client's knowledge about the behavior of withdrawn and its sign
a. "At home, she lived with anyone"
b. "Who is closest to Mother"
c. "What makes my mother close to him"
d. "With a mother who does not close"
e. "What makes my mother did not close"
· Leave the opportunity for clients to express feelings that cause the client does not want to socialize
· Give praise to the client's ability to express feelings

3. Clients can mention the benefits of interacting with others and harm not interact with others

Expected Outcomes:
3.1. Clients can mention the benefits of interacting with others
For example:
· Many friends
· Not alone
· Can the discussion, etc.

Nursing Interventions:
3.1.1. Assess client's knowledge about the advantages of having friends
3.1.2. Give the opportunity for clients to interact with others
3.1.3. Discuss with the client about the advantages of interacting with others
3.1.4. Give positive reinforcement to the ability to express feelings about the benefits of interacting with others

Expected Outcomes:
3.2.Klien can cite a loss when not interacting with others

Nursing Interventions:
3.2.1. Assess client's knowledge about the loss when not interacting with others
3.2.2. Give the opportunity for clients to express feelings of loss when not interacting with others
3.2.3. Discuss with the client about the loss does not interact with others
3.2.4. give positive reinforcement to the ability to express feelings about the loss does not interact with others

4. Clients can implement the social interaction is gradually

Expected Outcomes:
Clients can demonstrate social interaction in stages between:
· Client-nurse
· Client-other nurses
· Client-other nurses, other clients
· Clients - family / group / community

Nursing Interventions:
4.1.1 Assess the client's ability to build relationships with others
4.1.2. Play a role on how to relate / interact with others
4.1.3. Encourage and assist the client to interact with others through the stages:
· Client-nurse
· Client-other nurses
· Client-other nurses, other clients
· Clients - families - / group / community
4.1.4. Give positive reinforcement of success has been achieved
4.1.5. Help clients to evaluate the benefits of social relationships
4.1.6. Discuss daily schedule that can be done with the client in filling time, which is interacting with others
4.1.7. Client's motivation to participate in the activities room
4.1.8. Give positive reinforcement for client activity in the activity room

5. Clients can express his feelings after interacting with others

Expected Outcome:
Clients can express her feelings after interacting with others to:
· Self
· People of other

Nursing Interventions:
5.1.1. Encourage clients to express his feelings when interacting with others
5.1.2. Discuss with the client about the feelings of the benefits of interacting with others
5.1.3. Give positive reinforcement for the client's ability to express feelings advantage of interacting with others

6. Clients can empower or family support system

Expected Output:
. Families can:
· Explain feelings
· Explain how to care for the client to withdraw
· Demonstrate how to withdraw the client's care
· Participate in client care withdraw

Nursing Interventions:
6.1.1. Construct a trusting relationship with families:
· Greetings, introduction of self-
· Explain the purpose
· Create a contract
· Exploration of feelings of clients
6.1.2. Discuss with family members about:
· Conduct withdrew
· Causes of interesting behavior diir
· As a result of which occurred when withdrawn behavior is not addressed
· How to families facing the client withdrew
6.1.3. Encourage family members to provide support to clients in communicating with others
6.1.4. Encourage family members to take turns visiting the client regularly at least once a week
6.1.5. Give positive reinforcement for the things ang has been achieved by the family

Schizophrenia Care Plan - Nursing Assessment, Diagnosis, Interventions and Implementation

Family Counseling In Schizophrenia Patients