Myocardial Infarction Nanda Nursing Diagnosis

Myocardial infarction, commonly known as a heart attack, is the irreversible necrosis of heart muscle secondary to prolonged ischemia. This usually results from an imbalance in oxygen supply and demand, which is most often caused by plaque rupture with thrombus formation in a coronary vessel, resulting in an acute reduction of blood supply to a portion of the myocardium.

Myocardial Infarction Nanda Nursing Diagnosis

Nursing Diagnosis Myocardial Infarction

  1. Nursing Diagnosis : Acute Pain related to ischemic tissue, secondary to clogged arteries.
  2. Nursing Diagnosis : Decreased Cardiac Output related to changes in power factors, reduction miocard characteristics.
  3. Nursing Diagnosis : Activity Intolerance related to the imbalance between oxygen supply and demand miocard, the ischemic / necrotic tissue miocard.
  4. Nursing Diagnosis : Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than Body Requirements related to decreased renal perfusion, increased sodium / water retention, increased hydrostatic pressure, decreased plasma proteins.
  5. Nursing Diagnosis : Ineffective Tissue Perfusion related to ischemic heart muscle damage, narrowing / blockage of coronary arteries.
  6. Nursing Diagnosis : Anxiety related to actual threats to biological integrity.
  7. Nursing Diagnosis : Ineffective Coping
  8. Nursing Diagnosis : Ineffective Sexuality Patterns