6 Nanda Nursing Diagnosis for Labiopalatoschisis


Labiogenotopalato schizis are congenital anomalies that form the structural deformity of the face.


1. Embryonic phase failure, the cause is not yet known
2. hereditary factors
3. Abnormal chromosome, gene mutations, and teratogen (agent or factor that causes defects in the embryo).

Signs and Symptoms

1. In labioskisis:
a. Distortion on the nose
b. Looks partial or both
c. The gap on the lips

2. In palatoskisis:
a. There appears to be a gap in the throat (uvula), palato soft, and hard, and or incisive foramen.
b. The existence of the nasal cavity
c. distortion nose
d. Felt there was a gap or opening of the ceiling when checked with a finger.
e. Difficulty in sucking or eating.

6 Nanda Nursing Diagnosis for Labiopalatoschisis

1. Ineffective airway clearance
2. Risk for Aspiration
3. Imbalanced Nutrition, Less Than Body Requirements
4. Anxiety (parents)
5. Risk for infection
6. Knowledge Deficit: disease, treatment procedures