Diabetes Mellitus Nanda NIC NOC

A. Nursing Diagnosis Commonly appears on the client
  1. Fluid Volume Deficit
  2. Ineffective breathing pattern
  3. Risk for infection
  4. Imbalance nutrition less than body requirements
  5. Anxiety
  6. Deficit Knowledge

B. Discharge Planning
  1. Give a description orally and in writing about the care and treatment given.
  2. Teach and evaluation to recognize symptoms of shock and diabetic acidosis and handling emergency
  3. Simulate mode of administration of insulin therapy ranging from preparation and injection equipment to local.
  4. Teach monitoring or checking blood glucose and glucose in the urine
  5. Planning a diet, make a schedule.
  6. Planning exercise, explain the impact of exercise with diabetic
  7. Teach how to prevent hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia and inform the symptoms that arise from both.
  8. Describe the complications that arise
  9. Teach prevent infection: foot hygiene, avoid injury, use a soft toothbrush.

DM Diabetes Mellitus Nanda NIC NOC

Nursing Diagnosis :
Fluid Volume Deficit

Definition: Decrease in intra-vascular fluid, interstitial, and / or intra-cellular. This leads to dehydration, loss of fluids with sodium expenditure

Limitation of Characteristics:
  • Weakness
  • Thirst
  • Decreased skin turgor / tongue
  • Mucous membranes / dry skin
  • Increased pulse rate, decreased blood pressure, decreased volume / pulse pressure
  • Completion of decreased venous
  • Changes in mental status
  • The concentration of urine increased
  • Body temperature increase
  • Hematocrit rises
  • Losing weight immediately (except in the third spacing)
Related Factors :
  • Loss of fluid volume is actively
  • Failure of regulatory mechanisms

  • Fluid balance
  • Hydration
  • Nutritional Status: Food and Fluid Intake
Expected results:
  • Maintain urine output according to age and weight, specific gravity of normal urine, normal hematocrit
  • Blood pressure, pulse, body temperature within normal limits
  • There are no signs of dehydration, elasticity good skin turgor, mucous membranes moist, no excessive thirst

Fluid Management :
  • Weigh diapers / pads if necessary
  • Maintain a record intake and output accurately
  • Monitor the status of hydration (moisture of mucous membranes, adequate pulse, orthostatic blood pressure), if necessary
  • Monitor vital signs
  • Monitor input of food / fluid and calculate the daily calorie intake
  • Collaboration IV fluid administration
  • Monitor the nutritional status
  • Give IV fluids at room temperature
  • Encourage oral input
  • Provide appropriate replacement of nasogastric output
  • Encourage the family to help patients eat
  • Offer a snack (fruit juices, fresh fruit)
  • Collaboration doctor if signs of excess fluid appears to deteriorate
  • Adjust the possibility of transfusion
  • Preparation for transfusion